Author Archives: Q Consulting

Q Consulting Named a Best Places to Work in 2022

Q Consulting is excited to announce that we have been recognized as a 2022 Best Places to Work by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal for the fifth time since our inception. The annual Best Places to Work award identifies top Minnesota-based companies based on employee surveys. These surveys gather information regarding employee benefits, growth opportunities, […]

Looking for Your Needle-In-The-Haystack Hire? Here’s How to Find Them.

Image of a handshake with a white brick wall background.

In April 2022, total payroll employment rose by 428,000 nationwide and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The same source also indicated that although there has been solid rehiring in the last few months, the labor force participation remains short of pre-pandemic levels by 1.2%. A labor […]

Why Local Matters: Benefits of Working with a Smaller Firm

When it comes to partnering with a staffing firm to help with filling your roles, your options are virtually endless. From large nationwide agencies to the small, mom-and-pop-shop-sized firms, it can be a bit overwhelming figuring out who to partner with. This is why we suggest using the “buy local” mentality. We’re sure you’ve heard […]

Ever Considered Contract Work? Keep This in Mind Going Into 2022

With a new year upon us, many people are also looking for new opportunities that will allow them to grow professionally, meet new people, and make them more money. While there are many aspects we keep in mind when applying and seeking out new careers (how the job fits into our lives, what our goals […]

What Makes Project Management So Important to an Organization?

Project Managers play a crucial role in any business— whether it be a website redesign, an integration of a new software solution, or streamlining a complex process — hiring a Project Manager is always a wise choice to ensure that each project is completed to the highest caliber of quality possible. Involved in every step […]

Reasons Your Brand Needs to Hire a Digital Marketing Strategist

It’s no secret how important marketing is for business. Marketing is the process of getting people interested and excited about your company’s service or product, rather than simply getting lost among your competition. To make you stand out in the crowd, a solid digital marketing strategy needs to be put in place. And while this […]

What Makes Empathy Such An Important Leadership Skill

Empathy is one of the most important skills that a leader can have. Having the ability to relate to and have understanding for the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of other people is a key part of emotional intelligence that many researchers believe is crucial for being an effective leader. The Center for Creative Leadership (CLL) […]

The Q Consulting Difference: How Q Changed My View on Recruiters and the Recruitment Process

If you’re on LinkedIn, it’s likely you’ve had a recruiter in your inbox reach out to you about a position they think you would be a good fit for. I had experienced this on several occasions myself before getting contacted by Q Consulting, and in all honesty, I really wasn’t a fan of recruiters before […]

How a Lengthy Hiring Process Can Hurt You Rather Than Help You

According to recent LinkedIn data, the demand for IT professionals such as Software Engineers, Product Designers, Solutions Engineers, and Automation Test Analysts is increasing while the talent pool is shrinking. Organizations are competing for the same candidates to fill their technology roles. Candidates with the right technology skillset, and the right soft skills are in […]